Conference Publications


  1. Color quotient based mask detection
    I. Buciu
    the 2020 International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), Nov. 5 – 6, 2020.


     2. Facial Biometric Template Post-processing by Factorization
I. Buciu, C. Grava, A. Gacsadi
the 14-th International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), July 11 – 12, 2019.


3. Mammogram Classification with Local Phase Quantization Features
I. Buciu, C. Grava, L. Telepea, A. Gacsadi
The 6th International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Tehri Applications (CNNA 2018) -28 – 30 August, 2018.

Paper Link: CNNA 2018


4. Oscillating patterns based face antispoofing approach against video replay
I. Buciu, S. Goldenberg
Biometrics in the Wild 2015 (B – Wild 2015) – in conjunction with the 11th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition – FG 2015 .

Paper Link: B – Wild 2015


5. Image denoising via sparse data representation: A comparative study
I. Buciu
International Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (ISFEE) , 2014.


Paper Link: ISFEE 2014


6. Dantzig Selector for Audio Data Reconstruction
I. Buciu
The 7th International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue “SpeD 2013” , 2013.

Paper Link: SpeD 2013


7. Efficieny Analysis of Illumination Correction Methods For Face Recognition Performance
I. Buciu
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing , pp. 211 – 216, 2010.

Paper Link: ICCP 2010

8. Vision Based Approaches for Driver Assistance Systems
I. Buciu, A. Gacsadi and C. Grava
11th WSEAS international conference on Automation & information , pp. 92 – 97, 2010.

Paper Link: WSEAS 2010

9. A Homogeneous Algorithm for Motion Estimation and Compensation by Using Cellular Neural Networks
C. Grava, A. Gacsadi and I. Buciu
International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control , 2010.

Paper Link: IJCCC 2010


10. Gabor Wavelet Based Features for Medical Image Analysis and Classification
I. Buciu and A. Gacsadi
2nd IEEE International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL) , 2009.

Paper Link: ISABEL 2009

11. Non-negative Matrix Factorization Methods for Face Recognition under Extreme Lighting Variations
I. Buciu and I. Nafornita
2009 IEEE International Symposium in Signals, Circuits & Systems (ISSCS 2009) , Vol. 2, pp. 125 – 128, 2009.

Paper Link: ISSCS 2009


12. Facial expression recognition under noisy environment using Gabor filters
I. Buciu, I. Nafornita and I. Pitas
IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), pp. 76 – 79, 2008.

Paper Link: ISETC 2008


13. Global Gabor features for rotation invariant object classification
I. Buciu, I. Nafornita and I. Pitas
2008 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP 2008), pp. 41 – 46, 2008.

Paper Link: ICCP 2008


14. Holistic and local image representations for human face analysis – part I
I. Buciu, I. Pitas and I. Nafornita
7th IEEE International Conference on Communications, pp. 137 – 140, 2008.

Paper Link: Communications 2008


15. Holistic and local image representations for human face analysis – part II
I. Buciu, I. Pitas and I. Nafornita

7th IEEE International Conference on Communications
, pp. 141 – 144, 2008.

Paper Link: Communications 2008



16. Learning sparse non-negative features for object recognition
I. Buciu
2007 IEEE Third International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP 2007) , pp. 73 – 79, 2007.

Paper Link: ICCP 2007



17. Enhancing the facial expression classification by information fusion
I. Buciu, Z. Hammal, A. Caplier, N. Nikolaidis, and I. Pitas
14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) , Florence, Italy, September 4-8, 2006.

Paper Link: EUSIPCO 2006


18. A comparative study of NMF, DNMF, and LNMF algorithms applied for face recognition
I. Buciu, N. Nikolaidis, and I. Pitas
2006 Second IEEE-EURASIP International Symposium on Control, Communications, and Signal Processing (ISCCSP), Marrakech, Morocco, March 13-15, 2006.

Paper Link: EURASIP – ISCCSP 2006


19. On the initialization of the DNMF algorithm
I. Buciu, N. Nikolaidis, and I. Pitas
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Island of Kos, Greece, May 21-24, 2006.

Paper Link: ISCAS 2006



20. Class-specific discriminant non-negative matrix factorization for frontal face verification
S. Zafeiriou, A. Tefas, I. Buciu, and I. Pitas
2005 International Conference on Advance in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR 2005), Bath, United Kingdom, 22-25 August, pp. 206 – 216, 2005.

Paper Link: Amazon Online


21. Facial expression recognition under partial occlusion
I. Buciu, I. Kotsia and I. Pitas
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2005), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, March 18-23, Vol. 5, pp. 453 – 456, 2005.

Paper Link: ICASSP 2005


22. A new sparse image representation algorithm applied to facial expression recognition
I. Buciu and I. Pitas
IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, September 29 – October 1, Sao Luis, Brazil, pp.539 – 548, 2004.

Paper Link: IEEE MLSP 2004


23. Application of non-negative and local non negative matrix factorization to facial expression recognition
I. Buciu and I. Pitas
2004 International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2004), August 23-26, Cambridge, UK, pp. 288-291, 2004.

Paper Link: ICPR 2004




24. Recognition of facial expressions in presence of partial occlusion
I. Buciu, I. Kotsia and I. Pitas
9Th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, November 21-23, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2003.

Paper Link: PCI 2003


25. Facial expression analysis and synthesis: A survey (Invited paper)
S. Krinidis, I. Buciu, and I. Pitas
HCI International 2003, 10th Int. Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, June 22-27,Crete, Greece, pp. 1432-1443, 2003.

Paper Link: HCI 2003


26. ICA and Gabor representations for facial expression recognition
I. Buciu, C. Kotropoulos and I. Pitas
2003 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2003), September 14-17,Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1054 – 1057, 2003.

Paper Link: ICIP 2003




27. Support vector machines for face detection
A. Fazekas, I. Buciu, C. Kotropoulos and I. Pitas
KEPAF2002, Szeged-Domaszιk, 2002.


28. Face detection by using independent component decomposition
I. Buciu, C. Kotropoulos and I. Pitas
Workshop Dynamic Perception, Bochum, Germany, pp. 252 – 257, 2002.


29. On the stability of support vector machines for face detection
I. Buciu, C. Kotropoulos and I. Pitas
2002 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2002), September 22-25, Rochester, N. Y., USA, Vol. III, pp. 121 – 124, 2002

Paper Link: ICIP 2002




30. Combining support vector machine for accurate face detector
I. Buciu, C. Kotropoulos and I. Pitas
2001 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2001), October 7-10, Thessaloniki, Greece, vol. 1, pp. 1054 – 1057, 2001.

Paper Link: ICIP 2001


31. Face detection by support vector machines with Walsh transform domain
A. Fazekas,I. Buciu, C. Kotropoulos and I. Pitas
8Th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, (PCI 2001), November 8-10, Nicosia, Cyprus, Vol. 2, pp. 156 – 164, 2001.


32. Support vector machines on the space of Walsh functions and their properties
A. Fazekas, I. Buciu, C. Kotropoulos and I. Pitas
2nd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, June 19-21, ISPA, Pula, Croatia, pp. 43 – 48, 2001.




33. Acoustic speech signal production by a 12th order linear prediction
I. Buciu and C. Gordan
Nove Smery V Spracovany Signalov V, Liplovsky Mikulas, Slovakia, pp. 209 – 215, 2000.


34. De-noising signals using Haar transform
I. Buciu
International Conference on Renewable Sources and Environmental Electro-technologies, May 8-10, Baile Felix, Romania, pp., 2000.


35. Image compression between wavelet transforms and Fourier transforms
I. Buciu and C. Gordan
International Conference on Renewable Sources and Environmental Electro-technologies, May 8-10, Baile Felix, Romania, pp., 2000.


36. The estimation of the instantaneous frequency of the parabolic frequency modulated signals with a zero mean Gaussian noise using the wavelet transform
C. Gordan and I. Buciu
Nove Smery V Spracovany Signalov V, Liplovsky Mikulas, Slovakia, pp. 190 – 195, 2000


37. The chose of LMS algorithm step size in echo canceller problem
I. Buciu and C. Gordan
Nove Smery V Spracovany Signalov V, Liplovsky Mikulas, Slovakia, pp. 209 – 215, 2000.




38. Estimating the Instantaneous Frequency of FM – signals Altered by Parasitic Amplitude Modulation

C. Gordan and I. Buciu
International Symposium on Systems Theory, Robotics, Computers and Process Informatics – Sintes ‘ 9, June, Craiova, Romania, pp. 34 – 40, 1998.

39. Spectrum analysis program of various signals
I. Buciu and I. Popescu
Second International Conference on Renewable Sources and Environmental Electro-technologies, May, Baile Felix, Romania, pp. 43 – 49, 1998.

40. Analysis and design of an elliptic IIR band-pass filter
I. Buciu and C. Gordan
Second International Conference on Renewable Sources and Environmental Electro-technologies, May, Baile Felix, Romania, pp. 37 – 42, 1998.



41. Selectarea frecventelor necesare in procesul de sintetizare a unor note muzicale folosind un filtru de tip FIR (in Romanian)

I. Buciu and C. Gordan
Lucrarile sesiunii de comunicari stiintifice ale Universitatii “Aurel Vlaicu”, Octombrie, Arad, Romania, pp. 301 – 309, 1997.

42. The reconstruction of the musical sounds using Kalman algorithm
I. Buciu and C. Gordan
Analelele Universitatii din Oradea, Mai, Baile Felix, Romania, pp. 19 – 25, 1997.