SAMACT – Software application for adaptive and automatic measurements and time-evolution of tumours in CT images

PNCDI III – Program 2
Subprogram 2.1 – Innovation (CI-2017)

Project Code: PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2018-1389
Domain: 5 Health
Subdomain: 5.1 Health

Implementation Period: 16/07/2018 – 28/12/2018

Contractor Beneficiary: Centru de Radioimagistică Telescan (Responsible – Medical Director Sorin Moțoi)

Contractor Service Supplier: University of Oradea – (Responsible – Assoc. Prof.  Ioan Buciu)

Contracting Authority: Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanțarea Învățământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării și Inovării

Summary – The project aims to develop a software application for medical assisted diagnosis and/or for treatment follow-up, based on image processing and analysis algorithms for CT images and their optimization and adaptation in order to measure in real-time the volume and other measures of a tumor from lungs. The general objective of the project is the improvement of medical assisted diagnosis through the: enhancement of CT imaging efficiency; decreasing the processing time for determining the volume of a tumor and/or its time-evolution; increasing the precision for determining the volume and other quantitative measures of a tumor. Dedicated to be used by the specialists in radiology and medical imaging, the adaptive software application can be used as an auxiliary and complementary tool for analysis and extraction of some geometric features additionally to the dedicated software of the CT imaging equipment.

Project Milestones: :


Phd. Assoc, Prof. Oreste Straciuc
Assoc, Prof. Habil. Alexandru Gacsádi
Assoc, Prof. Habil. Cristian Grava
Assoc, Prof. Ioan Buciu
